Monday, March 2, 2009

Update from Sunday night.

Today seemed to pick up a little better for Andie. Nothing was changed with her medications and her vitals remained strong. Mainly we were watching her lactate readings and it showed it dropping throughout the day. Her SAT averaged in the 90's most of the day. Right where we want that to be. We really need it to be at 100% and stay there. These episodes are not uncommon, but every time we think she's turned the corner she lapses back. One of these times I know she'll prove us wrong and get around the corner.

I got to go home late this afternoon. I picked up Eric and took him home, then I grabbed Brooke's mom, Brogan and Boston and took them to Chili's. I wanted to let them know that they are not forgotten and we miss them and miss being together. They had a good time and watching Boston and Eric get back together for the second time in over 10 days was funny to watch. They missed each other for sure. The boys asked questions about Andie and really want their sister to come home. This is hard on them too and we can't lose sight on their feelings during this time as well. We know they'll get through this, but we need to sensitive to their needs too.

Andie spent most of the day with her eyes wide open looking around like she's bored and ready to come home. Brooke spent a lot of time talking and giving her kisses today. Andie truly enjoys when we spend time with her. She knows when her mommy is talking to her. It just seemed today that even during times of sedation she would still stay awake, even during her respiratory treatments. When they suction her lungs, it's not an enjoyable thing to watch. I'm sure she doesn't enjoy them either. But regardless she just looks around and is very alert. Now even though she's alert and looking around, we know she's feeling no pain with all the medications they have her on.

Her puffiness has come down drastically especially in her face. She's starting to look like the little girl we took home for those 19 hours after she was born. Lasix is helping her with removing her fluids. We were scared on Thursday because on that day she had very minimal urine - I mean none. It was alarming to everyone because she was still taking in her fluids through her IV. But since Friday that has not been a problem at all. Also with her puffiness coming down, her 4 inch scar on her chest is more apparent. When i look at it I feel sorry for her for what she's going through. I would do anything to take this all away from her. But without the surgery she had, she wouldn't be here now.

The best news of the day is she actually got to take in some food. Now since this all has started Andie was not allowed any food. Of course we know food for a newborn is mother's milk. Brooke has been pumping her milk since this ordeal started and the nurses have been saving the milk for that special occasion. So today they started her on her mother's milk at 1 CC an hour. So if you think about it she's receiving less than 1/4 a teaspoon of milk per hour. I know it doesn't seem like much, but its the only way the doctors can find out if she can tolerate food or to see if she would have any reactions with the food. You would not want to vomit while on a breathing machine. So she's feeding on mother's milk and hopefully we'll be able to turn that up quickly. And lets hope that her mother's milk will help her heal more quickly.



Deciduous Heather said...

Praying for sweet Andie! I stumbled on your blog through a prayer request posted on another blog. I will be praying that your sweet princess gets to go home soon to be with her gorgeous brothers and very blessed parents. I am checking the blog daily now, our whole family is praying for Anderson Grace.
Heather, Dylan, and Karsen Grace in NC

Danyele Easterhaus said...

yeah yeah yeah!!!! i can remember sofie taking her first milk at 1cc an hour and being more than thrilled. this is a huge accomplishment. i'm so happy you guys are being able to spend so much time with her and kiss her and be with her!